Norwegian Waddle Race
Team Fans/Staff may cheer the team on to victory; however, how-to directions or telling the team what to do next is forbidden. If a team receives coaching from the sidelines, the team will be disqualified. Give every team the same courtesy!!
Team: 5 Pathfinders (a club may have multiple teams)
Equipment provided by each club:
Procedure: At the starting signal, team lashes two long poles into shear legs of an A-frame. Lash the shorter pole onto shear legs to form the crosspiece. Tie four guide ropes (or 2 - 36 ft. ropes) to the top of the shear legs and raise the A-frame into a standing position. Four Pathfinders keep the frame upright using the guide ropes, one Pathfinder steps onto the crosspiece, and waddles along by lifting the butts of the shear legs alternately and "walking" forward.
Scoring: This is a timed event with a maximum of 15 minute limit. The team must "waddle forward 30 feet with the Pathfinder standing on the crosspiece. The crosspiece cannot touch the ground during the "waddle". If the Pathfinder falls off the crosspiece during the "waddle", they must get back on and continue from where they fell off. TIME: 0-5 min - 3 pts. 1 point for each Knot Tied Correctly 5-10 min - 2 pts. (No points lost for incorrectly tied knots) 10-15 min - 1 pts. (Use variety of knots for more points) |

Knots: The greater variety of correctly tied knots used will increase the team's score. All knots can be found on the web. "Animated Knots by GROG" ( ; use search box on left side of the page.)
Norwegian Square Lashing- (see picture below)
Knots that can be used for this event are:
- Use a CLOVE HITCH, CONSTRICTOR KNOT, or a TIMBER HITCH to begin lashing.
- Use a FIGURE 8 KNOT, for security on the ending Clove Hitch or Constrictor as stopper knots (optional)
- Use SHEAR LASHING on the top of the A-frame.
- Use two of the following knots for the Cross Bar - NORWEGIAN SQUARE LASHING, DIAGONAL LASHING or SQUARE LASHING.
- Use a CLOVE HITCH to end the lashing.
- With the Norwegian Square Lashing, use the SQUARE KNOT, or for more security a SURGEONS KNOT for the ending tie off.

Using all knots is NOT required,
but use ALL you can to increase your team's points.